Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Day Off Work

Sitting here, tipsy, in the back porch of #12 Redbrook park, listening to music, I have once again gotten the urge to post something.
It has been almost four months (since April 2009) that I have first tried to document my existance in a more personal way. Obviously though, I have failed to do it on a quotidian way. It seems that I'm more so inclined to do it spontaneously and unequivocably on random intervals. I wish to end this uncertainty, and be more focused, and bent on documenting my life.
It seems to prove quite a monumental task for me though, as obviously it's proven to be more challenging than I expected.
Anyway. I'm listening to music, wondering if I should post on Facebook the "lost Parisian photos" that I still have but have never uploaded. It seems to take so much longer than I ever expect to post those. But I think I might... eventually, if not today.

The summer's about to end, rather abruptly, but eventful, and well worked. It's been nice but I still wish I had more. I can't wait until college starts, which will be the 31st of this August month, and moreover I can't wait until graduation.
I like wine, and I'm starting to develop a taste for beer too. Thanks be to Kyle Anderson.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Moments at the Beach

Following is an entry that I made Saturday, June 27th '09 to my personal journal; the journal I have been trying to keep updating as often as I can, but fail to update.

It's been over a month since I've last written, but last night's thinking has only led me to the conclusion and somewhat realization that I [do] enjoy it.

The things popping into my mind were things that normally do not. I was giving thought to all things that stirred me in a sort of non emotional perception: a sensation if there's any way to describe it, I guess that's what it would be.
I thought of moths, of those creatures of the night. How they fly towards the light of light posts and how not only are they seemingly attracted to the shining fixtures but they also reflect some of the light, looking eerily like small fireballs dancing, coming in and out of view of the front of their source.
I thought about me just being the only person being wake at that time, how it feels to be alone yet surrounded by people that don't realize that there is a world is still awake outside the walls of their dreams.

-The Persistence of Memory-

_Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech_

That the ocean, well in this case, the waves of the lake still made noise when they crashed onto the beach, and the wind still ruffled the leaves on the trees, and the bats still chirped in search of midnight morsels.
There's another world at night that perhaps might not parallel that of dreams abstruseness and visible majesty, because of the unknown behaviour, but it's just as interesting and stimulating as a dream. Plus, it doesn't leave you with the rapid loss of its memory.
Crashing water has the properties, the semblance, of a noise wave ranging from white to brown. I figured last night too, in my escapade, that I am not a mind devoid of purpose, I can write, I can read, I can come up with ideas. What I am is a mind that suppresses creativity and to some extent it's own growth.
Subconsciously I suppress many things that would boost my character. Some of my personal actions have to come to an end, and I have to become again that vessel, that insatiable vessel that cannot quench its thirst and hunger for knowledge.
When I do write it happens that I like it and not only do I like it, but I also find a sort of peace, a sort of tranquility and sense of addiction that prevents me from stopping. I want to write my emotions, my thoughts, my feelings, my senses down on paper. I wish not to forget, but to remember, to reference and to keep in contact with myself.
Writing, to me is like a cigarette, it brings some sort of high, a personal delight, a satisfaction that is, a vice that feels quite nice.
The only thing though, that I don't like about it is that, just like smoking a cigarette, I am wasting my time while doing it. While I'm recording that which I've lived, I'm also losing that which I can further perceive. I am losing the time that I'm using to record, because I'm busy doing something else.


Last night I figured that being alone is not that bad. I figured in my early morning solitude that one gets to find out things, notice reasons for occurrences that one might just not know or figure out when one is busy with other things during the day.
When I was alone I thought of my solitude, I contemplated on only being alone, but what it meant. I means that essentially, no matter who or with what we surround ourselves essentially we are one person hidden beneath skin, beneath flesh and bone. We are invariably one person inside one body. That's why we have friends, because it feels nice not to be alone.

So that was it. The day after my late night rendezvous with myself I continued to lay on the beach, listening to the waves crash on the beach, taking in as much of the sun as I could. I ended up getting really red and a little sunburned. I love the beach, I love the sun, it is after all my astrological object.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Inevitable Occurences

I've been wanting to post another entry for a while. Clearly I have been slacking, like it's been pointed out, in keeping this blog. And I was totally into posting something meaningful and in-depth tonight, but because I have not logged on into here the unpreventable happened. I forgot not only my password onto this gmail account, but the username as well. It's taken me almost 2-3 hours just to find out what was the username. Finally, and evidently, I did. Now I post this.
It's now 3:04a.m. in Ohio (-5hrs GMT or UTC -5), and I'm about to head upstairs and finish watching The Matrix Revolutions and hopefully fall asleep.
I work tomorrow at 4:30p.m.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Titles are More Challenging to Come Up With Than the Entire Body of the Document

Now the problem comes with what to post.  Well, let me open up my iTunes and start listening to some music and hope that something triggers the author in me. I guess I'll just post up my latest journal entry:

Well I can't believe this is my second day in a row and I'm writing completely unforced and quite effortlessly. Nice. So, I'm not sure if I write things on here the same conscious day they happen, as in like before I go to sleep or if it's alright to write them whenever or as they come up? Well I guess I'll figure it out as I go, and if I continue this.
But anyway, last night was nice. A little on the expensive side for the quality of the food, which wasn't more than "alright."
The only real contretemps, excluding the unnecessary and unmerited high prices, was its distance from the NGV.
When I got back from dinner, which was pretty much the highlight of my day, not in the sense that it was absolutely delicious or particularly memorable, but because I've pretty much been staying-in a lot these last few days, all I did was to look on Google Earth, watch a few videos here and there, check up the sites that I visit most often and then that was it, I was ready for a good night of sleep.
I haven't been leaving the apartment on purpose, it's just that I don't seem find the motivation to leave the apartment, or like Solène would put it "move my ass". Unfortunately, I know that I will regret this as the day for my departure from India creeps closer. And it will be more regrettable once I am back in the States and retrospect on what I did the past few weeks.

Well I've strayed from what was written as today's entry in my recently-started journal, but what I wrote seems fitting.
Also, it's worth to mention that Lily Allen's music is soothing and definitely has a new twist on Pop music. Also worth to mention is the paramount necessity that Panic At The Disco finally come up with a new CD that rivals the quality of their first, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, and is not as disappointing as Pretty. Odd. 

A Fresh Start

Finally the necessity to keep up with the fast pace of this world has compelled me enough to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog. I guess it is never too late, so here it goes.

To the readers: I hope you gain something useful from my writings.
