Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Day Off Work

Sitting here, tipsy, in the back porch of #12 Redbrook park, listening to music, I have once again gotten the urge to post something.
It has been almost four months (since April 2009) that I have first tried to document my existance in a more personal way. Obviously though, I have failed to do it on a quotidian way. It seems that I'm more so inclined to do it spontaneously and unequivocably on random intervals. I wish to end this uncertainty, and be more focused, and bent on documenting my life.
It seems to prove quite a monumental task for me though, as obviously it's proven to be more challenging than I expected.
Anyway. I'm listening to music, wondering if I should post on Facebook the "lost Parisian photos" that I still have but have never uploaded. It seems to take so much longer than I ever expect to post those. But I think I might... eventually, if not today.

The summer's about to end, rather abruptly, but eventful, and well worked. It's been nice but I still wish I had more. I can't wait until college starts, which will be the 31st of this August month, and moreover I can't wait until graduation.
I like wine, and I'm starting to develop a taste for beer too. Thanks be to Kyle Anderson.

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